Occam XXII: Free Fall
Free Fall competed at the FNC UNC Asheville, FNC Guilford County, FNC District Championship, and the FIRST Championship in Houston, TX.
2022: Rapid React
Game Description:
Rapid React is played by two alliances of three teams each, with each team controlling a robot and completing specific actions in order to score points. The game revolves around both alliances shooting inflatable balls known as Cargo into a central Hub and climbing within their Hangars at the end of the match. The overall objective of each match is to score more points than the opposing alliance before the match ends. More information can be found on Wikipedia.
SDS MK4 swerve modules
Deployable ground intake
Flywheel shooter
135 degree turret
Adjustable hood
Vision tracking using a Raspberry Pi and Photon Vision
Stable traversal climb in ~20 seconds
Lots of 3D printed parts
Industrial Design - FNC Guilford County
Creativity - FNC District Championship
Winner - FNC District Championship
Imagery Award - Houston Championship
Status: Demo Robot
Watch Free Fall in action:
2022 Game Animation: